This is one of the first Cattleyas I ever bought. A storm blew it out of its pot after the first bloom; and it's taken about 2 years for it to rebloom. I absolutely love this plant. It has a very rambling habit, so I'm thinking it would be perfect to mount on a piece of wood. It's really trying to climb outside the pot.
Maria, WOW!!!!! I LOVE that plant! It so 'wild'-looking! Congrats! The shape of the lip reminds me of a bottle opener... haha! (Anybody have a beer?!). If and when you mount/repot it, if there are any backbulbs to spare, I'd gladly pay you for them!!!!!! (or trade something awesome!)
Hey, hey!!! Don't be muscling in on my territory!!!! (;
Very nice flower and I agree. Repotting this in a wooden hanging basket would enhance it's beauty. It could grow there for 4 or 5 years and become a specimen. (pssst...any bbulbs left over and you can send them to me). (;
Maria, this is absolutely gorgeous....the storm must have made it sulk...but it forgotten the trauma and decided to bloom for you....they are all correct in saying that a wooden basket will be very nice.