Originally Posted by glengary54
Sonya - I missed this post. Glad to hear and see that your division has finally bloomed for you. I'm posting the picture that you referenced earlier in the post so that they can be compared. You'll have a bunch more tampensis crosses in a few years, I have about 8 - 10 seed pods that will be ripe in the early fall.
It was difficult to get the correct color on this - it is more orangey than the photo looks. I just love it! I was so anxious watching the buds develop to see the blooms!
It took winter outdoors here just fine, only going into the garage on the very coldest nights, but sheltered. I may have even missed a couple freezing/just below freezing nights

A couple times when I checked the forecast, I saw the previous day's low temp at 29

Tho it's possible that low was the area in general and it wasn't QUITE that low at my location.
This plant definitely rocks!
The Encyclia you gave me looks to have a sheath, tho it's been sitting there for a while - may have swelled a bit tho ...