thank you for trying to help

A year ago I learned from the article referenced by BUD that a special type of Cattleya warscewiczii would exist,
which has pseudobulbs one foot+ (!) tall and would produce flowers 12 inches wide, 10 flowers on a spike ...
The horticultural name of this special type : C. warscewiczii 'Sanderiana'.
Pseudobulbs 1 foot tall : in order to carry and hold in place such many and large flowers, obviously a tall and strong pseudobulbulb is a requirement indeed - hence we can safely assume that C. warscewiczii Sanderiana, when not in flower, can be recognized by it's exceptionally tall and correspondingly thick pseudobulbs.
I myself cultivate and have flowered plants of 2 different types of C. warscewiczii, none of them Sanderiana,
and the height of their pseudobulbs is 7 inches and 4 inches respectively; much shorter than 1 foot+ ...
My question : do plants of C. warscewiczii Sanderiana still exist in cultivation, or are they all gone ?
Cheers, Manfred.