Originally Posted by Marty
OH!!!! STOP !!! That's rediculously beautiful. I want to hear all about it, how do you grow them, what lights, how do you feed...I have one catt hybrid that I've seen bloom about 5 years ago..it's just ~surviving~ at my place. I recently put a section of it into my viv so it grows under stronger lights. It shot up some new leaves, it gets a decent amount of 'frog fertilizer' so maybe I'll see it bloom. What's your secret?
I just recently moved everything into a greenhouse so we'll see how they do...
Before then, I was growing under HPS lights. Their care in general is pretty easy... just water frequently during the growing periods, which differ for each species and drier during the dormant periods. Some species/hybrids don't really have a dormant period, but you can usually tell. Active growth (both root growth and stem/leaf growth) will require a lot of water/feeding while no growth will require less watering.
i use Dnya-gro liquid fertiliser. usually every other watering at 1/4 tsp. per gallon.