Laelia briegeri var. albescens 'Chameleon'
Everything seems to be kind of out of time this year. More precisely, the last years seem to have been a little confusing to the plants. Many of mine have anticipated their flowers in one, two months sometimes. The weather is the bad guy, of course.
Laelia briegeri normally starts flowering by the end of October and goes on until December, but this one seems to have lost its time orientation. It is a beautiful white variety, although not true alba. The clonal name ‘Chameleon’ says it all. The flower opens creamy yellow and then the yellow starts fading; two or three days later the flower is completely white, remaining that way. One of the photos below shows one flower with the yellowish color before the fading process. I also put this side by side with the type for color comparison.
Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 10-18-2007 at 05:19 PM..