There is one in OrchidWiz of the same cultivar. It is bright yellow with a fairly wide round red lip. I would add the picture but not sure if its allowed to take it from OW. If someone says its OK, I will.
That would be it Silken. It was described to me like that. I don't have OW, it sounds like it is worth investing in, but the cost puts me off. Thanks for being off the mark so quick. I hope you can post.
You are great, thank you Silken. It makes me now care v.much for this cutting to produce one bloom like that. I love the members of this board, very helpful. Even though I am on the other side of the world from you, someone always come forward with assistance. Thank you.
You are great, thank you Silken. It makes me now care v.much for this cutting to produce one bloom like that. I love the members of this board, very helpful. Even though I am on the other side of the world from you, someone always come forward with assistance. Thank you.
Good luck with the new cutting. It does have a gorgeous flower!