2nd bloom was opened when I got home. Woot!!
I have looked and read just about all I can find on this one. I do believe its a natural hybrid of 2 species indeed. It did flower from the top of an immature bulb, not from a nub at the base of a bulb. I understand they can bloom both ways.
I felt compelled to list it as the tag prescribed ,bec I myself do not know any better.
I like plant controversy

..Its keep everything FRESH..At our monthly meeting the guest speakers sentiment was he doesnt like DNA and whats its doing to the orchid world. Trying to get things right after so many years will take some years to get it all right and everyone on the same page.
We never had the tools before with DNA to argue these matters. Now there really is no argument as DNA is irrefutable proof as to origins.
Grown outside in bright light during the cooler weather of winter. I bring it in if it got down to or below 50. When It starts warming up the plant needs to be out of direct sun and kept wetter than most would like to see a catt. be grown. Its small about 4 inches high and has about 5 growths of which the last bloomed. Plant was seedling planted, according to the tag in 2008. So 4 years old this plant is.
Thanks you all I enjoy readin all your comments and appreciate your views..