(Catt Chocolate Drop x Laelia rubescens)
Best blooming yet! Two spikes, one with 6 blooms, one with 10! Previously this twice had at most 5 buds per spike, both times two buds blasted. The most blooms at one time was 7, I think - 2 spikes, one with 4 blooms, one with 3.
This one has turned out to be a frequent bloomer (3-4 times a year), as well as becoming a monster! lol! It's taking over the windowsill it grows on. It's in a four inch pot, tho needs bigger, but side to side takes 22 inches of windowsill space! The now blooming bifoliate growth (this gets and blooms from both bifoliate and unifoliate growth) has a leaf span of about 15 inches!
Thanks for looking