This my plant bloomed one year after I did a cut flower and now waiting for a new flowering, is with new shoots.
In Brazil epiphytic species or sometimes rupicolous with a solitary leaf, growing in tall trees or groups of massive rocks at altitudes from 800 to 1500 meters, grooved pseudobulbs with a single apical subereta, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse or notched at the apex leaf that blooms mostly in the summer on a 12 "[30 cm] long, racemose inflorescence arising from a large sheath flattened, with 4-9 fragrant, showy, long-lasting flowers.
Synonyms Bletia crispa [Lindley] Rchb.f 1861; Brasilaelia crispa Lindl.) Campacci 2006 (; * Cattleya crispa Lindley 1828; reflex Cattleya parm. Ex Walp. Ex Walp. In 1861; Hadrolaelia crispa (Lindl.) Chiron & VPCastro 2002; Laelia crispa var reflex Rchb.f 1854; Sophronitis crispa (Lindl.) C. Berg & MW Chase 2000 1861; Hadrolaelia crispa (Lindl.) Chiron & VPCastro 2002; Laelia crispa var reflex Rchb.f 1854; Sophronitis crispa (Lindl.) C . Berg & MW Chase 2000