I would like your help in choosing which Sophronitis species to grow. My main criteria for choosing which Sophronitis species to grow are: flowering late winter or spring,having the largest and fullest flowers and beautiful flat leafs held parallel to the surface they are grown on.
From what i have found, S. brevipendunculata flowers late fall to early winter which rules it out(unless i heard wrong,please let me know if i got that right). S. wittigiana (and former S. rosea) and S. mantiqueirae seem to fit the above criteria from what i have read but would like to ask you too which season they flower for you and how big their flowers are

Another criteria would be which can flower well with medium shade and can tolerate my hot summer(usually 33C max for all August with a rare 35C every now and then,i suspect in the medium shade location i am going to mount them the heat will be somewhat less and the humidity much higher)weather the best.
I would very much appreciate your help and info in choosing the best species for my taste and my conditions!
Thank you very much in advance!