Unfortunately i am not growing any Sophronitis at the moment but i am trying to decide which species of this beautiful genus would be the best choice for mounting in my Pyrgos garden in medium shade. There are many beautiful species,namely yours,S. mantiqueirae,S. wittigiana and S. brevipendunculata and its a tough choice. I had heard from a Greek grower that S. mantiqueirae has difficulties with our hot summer weather but if it does ok for you,so it will for me in the correct location! Also,all the S. mantiqueirae flowers i have seen photos of in a greek forum are around 2,5cm(all from young plants but i dont know if thats genetic or the flower size increases considerably with age?) which,however nicely colored and if they are,makes them non-spectacular while your 5cm flowers are definitely attention drawing from far away!
I will open a thread with some questions on the other species i mentioned to be able to make an educated choice