Well I snapped a pic of one of the 4 catts I have from Hausermanns. The other three are dormant and had a major run in with my other cat (of the feline variety) so they are looking a little worse for wear, and I decided to leave them out of the photo session. This one is Iwaanagara Apple Blossom 'Fantastic'. It has two sheaths with buds just starting to swell, so should be blooming next month. I am not a fan of its scent. It has a really weird undertone that is really hard to describe, maybe almost like bacon fat that has gone bad....anyways, its a quick growing plant that I got 4 years ago as a seedling, and has flowered 3 times for me. Its in a 6 inch pot.
Btw, it looks like its covered in dust, but its actually from its neighbors seed pod that exploded all over it and other nearby plants!