I can't believe what I've done to my plant!!!
I've been quite disappointed about my Susan Fender 'Cinnamon Stick' for not having any flower sheath on its latest growths. I just cannot provide enough sun in the winter here.
So I decided to put the plant under a halogen lamp to give it some more light yesterday. I put it under the lamp at around 3pm and then went out for a movie.
Well, I shouldn't have done that because when I came back, I found that one of the two new leaves had this huge black burn. I was so schocked to see that.
Well, the burned leaf has more than half of it alive, but the burned area is quite large.
I should have been more careful as these two new leaves came out in the past two months when the sun was very mild on my window.
I'll never do that again. just wait for the natural light in the spring.
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 04-26-2013 at 07:58 PM..