This fowered from a flask of a selfing of ilense. I know that is not what it is.
There was 2 pods and this is what should up from one of them.
I don't have any Epi's that look like this in my room so something must of pollinated the other flower.
Has anyone seen one of theses,Iknow it is a long shot.
Did you flask the seedpods yourself? If not, maybe they got mixed up and is something else entirely. The flower looks like E calanthum (which is quite variable from white to pink, has slightly drooping flowers), maybe E haematanthum.
If it is an ilense hybrid, the other parent would probably need to be quite compact as normally ilense is much leggier and has quite broad leaves. Not inconceivable that the other parent is a Barkeria either. Not convinced about E radicans though.
Last edited by Lars Kurth; 11-05-2011 at 12:15 PM..