So I won this at my local OS auction. I'm really excited about the orange blooms coming! It is Blc (Tangerine Horses x Carolina Golden D'or). It has a sheath with a shadow in it, but the sheath is still pretty thin. How long before the show?? I've never bloomed a Catt before, so I am clueless on this process. Please give me all the advice you can!
It looks like you have a double sheath! no buds in there yet Look for the shadow in the very bottom of the sheath it will look sorta heart shaped Like this
This plant will have two buds the shape will look slighty different when there is more than two flowers it will look more triagular and pointed and sometimes rounded in shape. Hope this helps!!!
The shadow looks like a double sheath to me, Gage. I have one catt that grows a second sheath inside the first just like that. It doesn't hurt anything. There is no relationship between the formation of a sheath and the formation of buds. It could be months before you get buds. It just depends on when it normally blooms. I have several sheaths on my 'Jose Marti' right now and it doesn't bloom until April or May. Many catts are fall and winter bloomers so you may not have to wait too long. Good luck. Do you usually attend the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society meetings? I'm often there but I didn't go to the auction this year.
Thanks for the info, Cattleya17 and Tucker! That is quite helpful! It's potted in prime agra and I spotted a tad chc (a piece or two may have just fallen in there from somewhere else?), in a black plastic pot. I usually repot any new orchid, and I was planning on putting this one in a wood basket with hydroton. Is it ok to do now? Any other thoughts?
I just won a similar plant at my orchid society meeting tonight. I came home with Blc Carolina Golden D'or 'KrullSmith' x Blc Carolina Orange Glow. I gather this will some kind of yellow/orange but I can't find any pictures of either?