---Acquired this guy at an orchid and plant sale at a local botanical garden. It was still wrapped up tight in bud and just begun opening yesterday.
I was told there was a 50% chance of fragrance, but none has been detected yet.
I hope it looks better next time around. It is its first time blooming. I'm not a fan of how much the lips curled outward and how floppy the dorsal sepal on the left one is. I still like it, though.
Last edited by TimetoFindMe; 09-15-2011 at 04:14 PM..
How beautiful! I have just bought a Bc Tetradip 'Junko' which has nodosa in it too. I can't wait for it to arrive. I hope it is half as lovley as your one.
I went to a friend's birthday party last night and when I came home I smelled it again. Did not detect a fragrance but it is still a new flower. I'll try again tonight. I was also kind of congested. haha Darn colds
I have some pictures of the plant but it will be a bit before I can upload them.
Here is one with my Brassavola hyrbids. Its on the far right with the skinny purple buds.