Mauro, again your plants and flowers are stunning!!
I've been on the hunt for C. eldorado for two years, and scoured the Redlands Orchid Festival for one or more of these, along with mendelii, gigas (I got of these this year), and a specciosissima (leddenmanniana semi alb fine form).
I've recently seen a few eldos on ebay lately, but I have not been happy with my purchases from there so I will stay on the face to face quest.
Again, beautifully grown orchids!!
I knew eldorado was not much grown in the USA, but I didn't know it was that difficult to get one... surprising!
Hope you can find it soon!
Good luck!
I almost ordered some from Bela Vista for Redlands 2011, but chickened out. Sounds like I would be able to provide pretty good growing conditions for them.
I will definitely put them on top of my order list for Redlands 2012.