Originally Posted by Eyebabe
It does make sense to test them all to me.
Tell you what: Bring your plant to the meeting and I will test it for a demonstration.
I have a phal in my kitchen that I bought recently that tested positive for color break and the vendor has not replied to my emails so I will bring that one and show everyone a "positive" test.
And if you have one or two more plants you are concerned about bring those too.
I will bring a total of 5 tests (one for my phal) so you bring 4 plants.
Fortunately, I am no longer a broke student but I once was...
I have no problem doing this for our orchid society and if you agree I will email them to let then know.
really? that would be awesome! thanks alot! i have one that im pretty sure it positive, so ill bring that one, the dream cloud and hten ill pick two ithers. i think this would be cool for a demo type thing for the society. i know ill learn alot.
i have to make sure ill be there for the meeting, so ill make sure ill be there and then PM you.