I have this catt for about three years. it came with flowers but it took me three year to see these lovely flowers again. They have beautiful fragrance. Does anyone its name?
hi there its going to be hard to nail down exactly what it is but they pretty good figuring out what things are here..
looks like a Blc. Greenwich to me but I cant really tell how large the flowers are.
Too green for a Blc Lester McDonald and the petal shape is different.
Could be an Lc Ann Follis..has the right sized flower and the right coloration..
Blc is now Rsc on some of the plants. Im still working on the names.
Hi there. thanks your help.flowers are medium size.I can say that it is a miniture catt or it was.the first growths are really small but the last one doubled the size. Its fragrance is like Iwaganara apple blossum but more citrusy.
The lip on Blc. Greenwich isn't usually quite as large or as white. But the rest of the flower shape is similar. It may have some of Greenwich's heredity in it. There are a few other similar green ones too.