How best can I help young Cattleyas recuperate after time in transit?
My collection has so far been limited to an Oncidium, some Zygopetalums, Cymbidiums, and Phalaenopsis orchids. Looking online though; trying to find a present from me to me, I finally found some intergeneric Cattleya hybrids which I hadn't seen before, that tickle my fancy. I love my local orchid place, but I suppose my tastes are a bit deviant and are not satisfied in their normal range of Cattleyas (I'd rather get greens, reds, yellows and oranges before I add in pinks and purples.)
The only option I had was to order young specimens (I do realise I'll be waiting years for them to flower, but I have patience), and I'd just like any advice on how best I can help them acclimatize to their new conditions and recuperate after their time in transit? I've heard Seasol can be good for perking them up.
They are being imported from Queensland into Western Australia. I would appreciate any advice shared.
Last edited by MothSlippers; 08-03-2011 at 12:00 AM..