Originally Posted by mattryan
Thankyou whiterabbit I posted my question again thinking nobody looked here lol. So what I did was right then. I just left the old canes was thinking maybe they needed to photosynthesize* with them. Many thanks..I'm just so happy first one and it's doing really good. Will the flowers just develope or does it need a temp drop or something?
I actually always look at 'todays posts' - but hadn't gotten thru many today - and I saw your newer post, came to this older one to see your pix
I have limited experience with epis - I have two, but been working out the culture - my bigger reed stem one, I haven't yet rebloomed, maybe due to insufficient light in winter where I grow it. My little one has finally spiked tho! woot! I don't think they need any temp drop, but as much light as possible year round - lots of water in summer, less in winter, tho I don't think they want to be really dry ever, but slightly to the drier side in winter. Spikes will hopefully come when the new canes are mature - I don't think (but could be mistaken) that epis DO NOT rebloom on older canes.
I'm sure others can advise more definitively on blooming, and culture.
btw - love those yellow blooms!