Queenslander, I dry out a bit between waterings but not totally even in winter. I do keep an eye on the rootzone though. When I got it it had lots of root rot. I think repotting every couple of years might be a good idea since they do seem to be susceptible to root rot. Fresh media dries faster. I grow it as bright as my Catts, but with cooler temps if possible.
I brought this back from the island of Kauai, so that would have been December of 2008. After I cleaned it up and repotted it just took off, and has been growing like a weed ever since. This is it's 3rd rebloom for me.
The only thing I don't like about it is the new growth tends to ladder up instead of sideways. I think you can see that in the bottom picture. Consequently it always looks a bit untidy to me.