Conny, I am honored to have been a part of your first post here. Thank you for rescuing the orchid!
I have found it to be fairly easy and a free bloomer. It has not needed extreme light or humidity to stay happy. Since I believe this is a cross from seed, please share your blooms with me when they come. It will be fun to see what range of differences may occur.
Originally Posted by Conny
Hello Steven,
I am a new member to this forum (since Sunday) and this is my first post, so don't really know what I am doing yet...
This morning I rescued a 2" Slc. Pink Doll x Pot. Odoms Sweetheart from our Lowe's here in Athens, GA. I always google the tags and came across your post of wanting to name it after your late mom. I thought that was just the sweetest thing to do. A hit further down on the Google results called it a Pot. Memoria Irene Feil and I thought 'He got it registered!' Congratulations.
Yours was such a sad story to read and this beautiful little orchid will definitely have a special place in my little but fast growing collection. I hope you are doing well and I'm just impressed by this group of people!
Best wishes,
Conny Lemke