Hello friends, thanks for appreciating! This orchid has pbulbs about 45cm tall and is planted in a pot with about 30cm in diameter (weighing many pounds!). Interestingly, another clone of the same cross (Blc Goldenzelle 'Lemmon Chiffon') is much smaller, with pbulbos not exceeding 30cm in height.
As for orchids name changes, I've been more radical in defense of traditional names, but today I have a more favorable position to the tendency to "spliting" the very large genera (Dendrobium, Bulbophyllum, Pleurothallis) into smaller and more homogeneous groups, it seems quite logical. In contrast, the "lumping" genera in largest and heterogeneous groups is completely useless and pointless (such as including Brazilian Laelia in the "Sophronitis" genus and then delete this too, putting everything in "Cattleya"), it goes in the opposite direction to the evolution and differentiation of species, sometime in the future all the cattleyoides will become "Epidendrum", and later all the orchids will be "Orchis". Ridiculous.