I have a cattleya which I was given as a bare root plant. For about three years it grew and bloomed normally. However, for the last four years, the pseudobulbs have been getting smaller and smaller ( some about 2" down from about 5-6") . Have given fungal and insecticide treatments, also treated for mites. Still no change. HELP!.....
Whats your watering schedule like? Have you checked the roots? Sounds like you have. Is it growing normally? Are the conditions drier than they used to be?
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Hmmm...I have a C. intermedia that is doing the same thing...the rest in the collection are fine. Glad to know I'm not the only person who has seen this problem....not that I'm glad it happened to you too!
I was having the same problem with my L. tenebrosa seedling. The new growth seemed healthy enough, it was just smaller in size. I fear it was some sorta bacteria attacking, although I didn't see any regular sighs above the mix or below.
I decided to repot this up in sphag avec coarse rok and increase the fertilizer dose and frequency.
I suspect L. tenebrosa is a heavy feeder, She is back on track again with larger growth.
The only time one reduces, is when one reduces neutrient intake, and fails to get enough energy! Could this apply to Cattleya too? Not enough sun and nutrients?
Here in Ja. , we often use charcoal only as potting media for catts( don't ask me why), so I have repotted in charcoal and moved to a sunnier location. Lets see what happens.