This is a true walkeriana alba that I got that came from Stewarts Orchids a long time ago. I was able to get just a back bulb and after some time it has finally bloomed. There is no pendentive in this thing, it has a more classic walkeriana shape, smells walkeriana and blooms from the base (see pic). Better than a pendentive alba in my book!
Let's translate to friends: when you say "it's not a Pendentive", you're saying "it is a real walkeriana, not a hybrid sold as a walkeriana"
Congrats, nice walkeriana!
Ah, I understand now, thanks for the clarification Frederico.
I have read before that most walkeriana in cultivation are actually not the pure thing, but a hybrid which has been sold under that name for so long it's very difficult to know the difference. I hadn't realised that's what the 'Pendentive' referred to though.