Wow, sorry about not chiming in on my glory but been so busy and when on the board usually get no farther than the welcome thread.
Dang Ross, you are so right, thought it was rot and blasting along with all sorts of badness

goin' on...your to funny big guy
My son bought this for me in October for my birthday, in bloom, and than it shot out the sheath, keeping my fingers crossed that I see some sort of bloom action goin' on inside but than the new growths on the same young sheath

. Makes me proud

I have about 12 or so catt's and this is the only one that is potted in sphag, the others in specialty orchid mix for catts....obviously not so special huh...because the others are slowly producing. I am anxious for it to bloom again...spring you say. Here is a

of it when my son bought it...