Gorgeous little catt this one is. It'll bloom up to 4 times per year with good lighting.
Nice shot to Paul
Tucker I also have one a couple of years ago - Bloomed like crazy for almost 2 years, then slowly croaked over the summer. I had a fungus that would show up from time to time it would outgrow it then reappear. I believe it was my conditions, just to warm and humid for it.
That is amazing! I have that hybrid in the background of something else I have. I would be happy to have yours......I will have to keep an eye out for it.
That's a lovely little bloom and it looks so cheerful. I love the color combo. You'll probably get bigger batches of blooms as the plant increases in size.
Nothing in regards to spectacular-ness, but just as any other common grex you usually only get to see the mericloned version. I actually like yours better.