Originally Posted by orchidman77
actually I have three....two are the same plant because I divided it. I got it from Miranda Orchids and they showed a pic of one of the parents here:
Orchids of Brazil. Price List
scroll down just a little. So yeah, I'm pretty sure that's a real one. The other one I got from the Orchid Trail, but no pictures, so I'm hoping it's a real one. but it is humongous and looks like the other two that I have, so...
You have 3 milleri ? Welcome to the club !! I have 5 of them

But actually I'm not sure anyone of them is a real one... The PBs have the good shape so wait and see...
If you get yours from miranda it's probably a real one.
I have one from Vitorino Castro but I probably have to wait a year for the first bloom.