Sc Beaufort 'South River' AM/AOS mini
While searching the net for mini catts one night we came across one named Slc Dream Weaver. We found some great varietals and eventually got word that two would be made available to us. It was winter time and the person wanted to wait to ship.
Weeeeeeell, in the mean time it bloomed and he took it to a club show and it won some sort of award. Now his wife won't let him sell it. I asked if I could get a division of it along with the other variety and have not heard from him since.
Soooooo, since I can't find any others available I decided to see if I could remake it. This plant Sc Beaufort 'South River' AM/AOS is one half of the cross. I am still looking for Slc Fire Fantasy.
Even though Renee now likes some varietals of Dream Catcher better now, I think I may still attempt the cross if I can find the FF plant. Even if I can't do that this flower is worthy in and of itself, yes? A little banged up from the trip.