Hi Harry,
Yes, the plant came from a good friend in Florida where it got very warm winters with little day to night difference. It always bloomed semi alba before this.
Florida might have unbearably hot summer days & muggy summer nights, but even if Florida is relatively warm in winter, there usually is a good day/night temp swing (maybe low 80's to low 60's or mid 70's to mid 50's ... not counting cold fronts). That would help explain the previous semi-alba blooms.
The cross is 'Puanani' x 'Tokyo #1" SM/JOGA
That's a pretty good cross. Some background on it. Back in the 1980's, a Brazilian grower sent some C walkeriana semi-alba seed to a Hawaii lab. A relatively small number of plants were grown & bloomed, among them, plants which had these clonal varieties: H&R, Ann, Puanani, Tokyo #1.
These four were bloomed in Hawaii. One plant was bloomed by a Hawaii grower, who sold the plant which was given the clonal variety 'Tokyo #1' by its new owner in Japan. We received an AM/AOS for 'Ann', but it was not our best. 'H&R' & 'Puanani' were cloned by the respective owners.
Given the origin & probable age of your plant (since it's bloomed a number of times before, I would guess that it is a division (it looks like a division) of a plant that your Florida friend Michael acquired in Japan. Again, guessing the probable age, I would say that the parents are: a clone of 'Puanani' x the original of 'Tokyo #1, made by the owner of 'Tokyo #1'. There are now many clones of 'Tokyo #1', but because of the age of your plant, it would probably have been made before clones of 'Tokyo #1' were available for breeding.
From the 'H&R' & 'Puanani' clones, we were able to discover 4N plants of each and have used them & 'Ann' as a basis for our some of our intensive C. walkeriana breeding. Offspring such as 'Perfect Blush', 'H&R Supreme', 'Light Fantasia', 'Aloha Kiss' are cousins to your plant. These have demonstrated that they are good breeding parents. Yours should be also ... if you decide to use it.
My temps are at least a 20 degree difference every day, through most of the summer it can be as high as nearly thirty, with nights in the high 60s.
That's a really good differential. Our summer differential is probably 10 degrees. Our winter differential is usually 15 degrees, sometimes 20 degrees, usually 85/70 ... but sometimes 80/60 or 75/55 ... & rarely 72/50.
I think the best blooms are when it's in the range of 78/58, with bright days. Then the flowers develop more slowly, flatten out, bloom larger with best shape & substance.