Rupicolous Laelias really can make a rainbow of colors...
Laelia milleri of deep red flowers
Laelia pfisteri, from the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, in Brazil, with its long flower stem and brihgtly colored flowers!
Laelia reginae, a small and compact plant of nice flowers
Hoffmannseggella kleberi, a particular case of nomenclatural limbo. This plant has been described in the genus Hoffmannseggella, a genus not accepted by the modern 'ADN' taxonomists, especially those under the wings of Kew. It also has never been transferred to Laelia (former sense), nor to Cattleya (modern sense) so that one could establish the synonymy... consequently, we cannot call it Laelia, we cannot call it Cattleya and we should not call it Hoffmannseggella... sleep with all this noise!!!
Add to all these the fact that this 'species' is with all chances, a natural hybrid involving Laelia briegeri (I have not doubt of this hybrid condition).