weirdness and leads actualy just breaking off spontanously
I have one cattt that will just seem to for some reason let the leads simply break lose like they have been snapped clean...and they have not just had the biggest new lead do this very thing
BLC Hawaian Stars "Paradise' has new roots going and this is not the first time It did the same thing this summer with the last lead just before this one olny that time just the leaves like it was fall and it was a tree dropping its leaves for fall ...just poof fall off and the Abscission zone looks like it was cut with a blade clean and freash and weeping black spots nice healthy looking leaves in fact awesome looking leaves.
It did look strange to me this morning as it had suddenly bent downwards towards the pot and the pb looked as if it had grown 1/8 of a inch or better overnight and you could see space between the coverings on the pb. Each one all the way down looked as if they had streched also....
no Chemicals have been applied at all but Im sure they are soaking up more water than they did outside with the end of summer.I did see what appeared to be a small hole where the break was so bayer 3-in-one has been applied now and cinnamon to the raw end after I cut back a littel more to make sure no Borer was present in the stem that is left....
Oh By the way its S/H culture so water I am assuming is not the cause ....perhaps temperature change due to coming inside?
Anyone got a clue?
Last edited by johnblagg; 09-30-2010 at 07:58 PM..