Here are a few Cattleya that are in bloom now in my shade house:
Cattleya skinneri var. suavissima and var. semi-alba:
Cattleya warneri var. semi-alba:
Cattleya warneri var. amesiana 'Mem. Roberto Kautski', one of the best, if not the best amesiana of the species:
Cattleya warneri, a tipo with unusual dark flowers for the species:
Cattleya mossiae var. alba, a floriferous clone, always generous.
Cattleya maxima var. semi-alba, a small plant that should not have bloomed, but insisted in giving two flowers!. The second photo shows together a variety concolor.
Cattleya nobilior var. coerulea:
Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 09-28-2010 at 04:08 PM..
Must be a beautiful and satisfying sight to look across and see all these magnificent flowers blooming at the same time. They are simply splendid, especially the warneri tipo.
Must be a beautiful and satisfying sight to look across and see all these magnificent flowers blooming at the same time. They are simply splendid, especially the warneri tipo.
Yes, Debs, the bench with all these orchids is wonderful, not only for the eyes, but for the nose also!! I feel really blessed and thankfull for being able to grow these beauties.