Catt Repotting Question
Hi Guys
Sorry to submit yet another "should I repot" thread but I couldn't help myself.
My local nursery sells it's "out of bloom" orchids for $5 no matter what size so usually I find some good stuff. This guys is "BLC Ronald Hausermann "Carl" x Blc. Mac Holmes "Newberry" and after I saw the HUGE PB's I just had to have it. When I bought it, it had the two new growths coming up so I figured I would repot as soon as those reached maturity and started throwing out roots. Well, lo and behold one of the older PB's decided to go ahead and throw up a spike sans sheath. My only problem with this guy is that he's in 100% potting soil. It's currently outside enjoying the weather but anytime there is a threat of rain I bring it inside because I don't want it to stay as moist as peat moss can do.
So should I leave it as it is and look into a repot job once the bloom is done or should I still plan on repotting once the two new growths start to throw out new roots?
Thanks for any advice!