This is my first catt. It's a mini, only about 5 inches tall. I know it's not good to buy plants with suspicious roots but it was A.) Cheap B.) Adorable and C.) If I can nurse a catt back to health then it's a good sign I can take care of healthy ones. This is actually how I generally get started with plants I've never grown before. So far it hasn't failed me.
I'm wondering if I should repot this plant immediately. I know bifoliates want to have new roots before repotting but the medium is moss and bark. I'm not sure how to balance the watering/drying cycle with moss. It just lost the blooms so it'll be a while until it grows new roots I think.
Also does anyone have any guesses at the parentage so I can get some general ideas on how to care for it? e.g. What are some common bifoliate parents for mini catts? Any common parents for yellow ones? etc.