From time to time mutations occur with orchids. This C. schroederae presents mutations in the three sepals, keeping the three petals perfect. The dorsal sepal has been transmutated into a petal and the ventral sepals into false labella. They are not true extra lips because only the internal half of the sepals have the characteristics of a lip. No trace of extra columns (in this case I'd agree it would be a monstrosity).
I know that some will call it a monstrosity, or a deformity, but I prefer to think of it as a mutant, and mutation is part of evolution. Pretty or ugly, that's another thing and is up to each one's taste!
This plant came from a compot of C. shroederae I bought a few years ago, being the first seedling to bloom.
The peloric traits may or may not repeat in the next year, but they seem too deep to disapear.