Though I don't have this particular cross, I do have a mounted E. tampensis. Generally, many enyclias (and tampensis in particular) like their roots to dry quickly after watering, which makes it a good candidate for mounting. I am in South Florida and am watering everyday since it's in active growth. It can take alot of light, short of direct afternoon sun. Mine was receiving full sun until 12pm and the leaves turned a bit reddish from the amount of sun. Now, I have it under 50% cloth in all day sun and it is doing just fine. As far as I know, tampensis does not require any calcium supplementation. Though I now fertilize it, I did not fertilize it last year and it still put out 4 new bulbs and all of them produced blooms this spring. As far as cold hardiness, I did leave it outside last winter (which was really cold by FL standards--freezing temps for a week) and it had no problems.