I recall seeing a forum where someone recommended a substitute that was cheaper...but I cannot find it
At the time I was reading it, it still seemed Subdue Maxx was the choice for Pythium and Phytophthora.
The only other product with my research that comes close to its effectiveness is Banol which is not available in the US or Canada.
Cleary 3336 is a general fungicide but is not effective against Pythium and Phytophthora.
Subdue Maxx is mixed at 4-6 drops per gallon so one quart may last you your lifetime
I have lost two catts to black rot in the past 5 years and cutting back didn't do squat to save them.
When I had another recently, I purchased the Subdue Maxx and it snuffed it out pronto.
I bought mine from Rosemania.com where you can get pretty much any chemical to kill stuff that is available to buy in the US.
Those rose growers are freakin' nuts!