Is anybody gowing one of these? Got a division from someone and not sure if it likes to completly dry out before watering. I saw online where it was planted in spaghum.
In my experience Catts like to get dry inbetween waterings - at least very near dry during growing, and completely dry in winter. i know some people grow them in sphag, but for myself - bark or coconut husk chips in clay pots - rotted roots on a few in plastic pots. Or have a couple in pumice in plastic pots.
oh sorry - it's a volcanic rock - very porous. It's a bit like perlite, tho a bit heavier, and a bit less retentive of moisture. The Catts I have potted in it do need more frequent watering than the others - I was experimenting - they do seem to like it tho
I have one I brought home from Hawaii about 3 years ago. It gets watered once a week, a bit more in summer if it's hot. I've got it in CHC mix. That seems to hold enough water to last a week in the summer. I really depends on your conditions.
You're going to love this one. Mine bloomed for the first time this fall. It was gorgeous!