Well, I got back from the US mainland.
Had a great few days in LA before & after my talk. The Speakers' Day was really enjoyable. There were some very famous people in attendance, Ernest Heatherington, Frank Fordyce, among others. I was one of the mid-range people there with only 35-40 years growing orchids.
It was nice that, at no time during someone's very informative talk on Laelia purpurata ... or at any other time, did anyone stand up and say: "That's CATTLEYA purpurata!" How refreshing that decades upon decades upon decades of orchid growing experience weren't diminished by a few keystrokes of the orchid name revisionists.
Afterwards, I met up with my wife & we had a wonderful several days in Washington DC (my first time there). The weather was nice & mild last week. Sorry for the people there that it's so hot now. But it's good to be home.