Yours look about the same size as mine. Yours look better than mine in fact. My pseudobulbs look thirsty compared to yours. It's hard to tell from the pics as to size. Yours may be younger though. Did they grow much from last March. Mine are pretty much the same size.
The pots are 3". As plugs they were about 2 1/2" tall with maybe 2 to 4 leaves. So they have grown significantly since I originally potted them up just over a year ago.
The pots are 3". As plugs they were about 2 1/2" tall with maybe 2 to 4 leaves. So they have grown significantly since I originally potted them up just over a year ago.
Mine were pretty much as they are now (mature), here is a picture of the whole plant. I actually have two and I noticed the second one has a couple of buds as well.