My Goldenzell "Lemon Chiffon" has been growing like mad all last fall and all winter .....
Spring came and it warmed up nicley so I set it out on the back porch -----full sun untill about 10 am and for a bit after 5 Pm.Then comes a cool spell not really cold but chilly down to 45 for just a bit one night but before that down to about 50 -55 at night and warmer in daytime.
It has been making biger and biger leads ecah time but the last eyes that were growing are much smaller that previous ones.
Have I lost much ground or will she snap out of it on the next sets that come along.Roots are good its is in s/h so Im sure they did get chilled also but I dont think it was enough to do much harm.she is still growing just not at the really fast rate she was .....I assumed she would slow down for a while when I moved her outside but I made sure it was after heat in house had been turned off for a couple of wees and the temp outside was about the same for a week or two after the move outside.
I had one I did that to last year. It took a while to resume growth but all is fine now. I am waiting for totally warm temps to set the orchids out now.
I had one I did that to last year. It took a while to resume growth but all is fine now. I am waiting for totally warm temps to set the orchids out now.
Thanks .....Did the new groths after that regain size or did it take several new leads to regain the size ?