I want to clarify an important point: I don't use crushed stones media, or any gravel, quartz or similar media. I just post the conclusions (right or wrong) that I've reading in brazilian papers and in the "brazilian list" of orchids in Yahoo! (
orquideas : Mundo Orquidófilo portuguese only). I agree with you, Sharry; when I use tree-fern fiber media in brazilian rupiculous laelias, the media becames acid with time, and the laelias still grow and bloom (at least for two or 3 years, than I need to change the media). BTW, I've seen the same specie of laelia (eg,
Laelia caulescens) growing in neutral or alcaline stones with double size and triple spikes and blooms!! So, if I had automatic
misting system and a covered orchidaruim (I grow outdoors), I would try crushed stones media.

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