Originally Posted by LauraN
I love this plant. Where might I find one for sale ??
Great photos too!
Thanks all for the nice comments. Laura & Philip, they are not all that common, but I think the following may have plants available;
Andy's Orchids
Slo Orchids
Asuka Orchids
There are only a handful of valid species that I know of and the two you will see most often are the
spicatum and
giganteum. I would be careful if you are wanting to obtain a true
Arpophyllum giganteum. For example, SLO lists both and shows pictures but, in my opinion, the names are reversed on the pictures. When I was actively judging, I often felt that many of the
Arpophyllum giganteum labelled plants were actually
spicatum. That has been some years ago and my memory is not so hot these days, but MOST of the true
giganteum are darker (more like a red) in color than
spicatum and not as densely flowered. Perhaps someone who knows more about this small genus will offer better advice than I can give. In any case, both of the above species grow well in intermediate conditions and need high light to flower. Good luck to all who would like to try this genus. Oh, by the way, these orchids are often refereed to as "fox tail orchid" and "hyacinth orchid". It's easy to see why.