There are very few places here in Western Australia where we can buy from a good selection of orchids. There are only two nurseries that I know of. The largest one is about an hours drive from my house and I went there on Wednesday.
They had a bench with flowering cats to show what the blooms were like. There was a gorgeous white one called C Hawaiian Wedding Song Virgin AM/AOS and I decided I wanted one. I went and got one and 3 or 4 others. The one I picked had advanced buds on it just about ready to bloom.
Yesterday the buds started to open and I was really surprised to see traces of purple/lilac appearing.

When I checked the label it became obvious I had picked up the wrong cat! The label says Blc Spring Dawn ' Top Row' x C Hawaiian Wedding Song 'Virgin' AM/AOS!
Well she is beautiful, even if she isn't what I planned on getting! Gives me an excuse to go back again soon!