Cochleanthes Amazing (amazonia X flabelliformis)
Flowers are fragrant and this time they have an abundance of very dark pigment, closest to gentian violet. The last photo shows the strange necklace-like structure formed by the ridges on the deep fold of the callous, underneath the column. The fold forms a blind pocket behind the column. It is interesting to guess what purpose it serves.
I always envied the orchid folk who bragged about their "blooming fools". Now I have one. I removed all buds before transplanting into S/H this Summer to try to save energy for new growth but it just kept putting out more buds, instead. Finally there is one new growth so I let it bloom.
It even bloomed shortly after it was placed in water culture to clean up rotten roots it came with 2 years ago. Below is photo of a bud that formed under water and opened into a pale, skinny little flower.