This is a current bloom of one of our crosses. The flowers are about 5" on a strong tall spike. Melody Fair gives the rich bright lip color. Tokyo Magic gives the strong tall spike and bings down the plant size considerably.
When you get a chance I would be interested to know how big the plant is and is it fragrant. So far the Tokio Magic hybrids I have bought turned out to be tough, compact, with flowers of good quality and have exquisite fragrance.
Last edited by Sun rm.N.E.; 12-29-2009 at 03:41 PM..
Sun rm. Lc Melody Fair needs to be a large plant to have significant blooms ... maybe a 6-7" pot. Lc Tokyo Magic can easily bloom in a 4". The C. Magic Melody easily blooms in a 4-5" pot. I believe this particular plant is about 10-12" tall. Tokyo Magic brings down the plant size considerably.
I just assume most cattleyas have some kind of fragrance. This one should.
Sorry, I guess I see so many flowers & have to take so many photos that I don't think about smelling each flower. Some fragrances just waft up and reach out to you, but others are delicate and noticeable only if you sniff close up.
When I was a child my mother told me it wasn't polite to stick me nose into my food to smell it. I'll just use that as my excuse for not smelling each flower.
I went out to sniff the flowers. They do have a light fragrance in the morning.
Last edited by catwalker808; 01-03-2010 at 06:35 AM..
It is a pity about your mother's advise. The older I get and slowly loose my visual acuity and hearing the more I appreciate that my sense of smell is still keen and makes me feel young That is because it is part of the nervous system that has a surprising capacity for regeneration.