Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari & Encyclia garciana
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Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari & Encyclia garciana
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Old 12-02-2009, 07:02 AM
RenéeS RenéeS is offline
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Default Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari & Encyclia garciana

I currently have these 3 in bloom. The Cattleya is a 20 year old noID, I got a division of it after my grandmother died 7 years ago. Therefore I named it Catt. 'Grootje' . I must say that these type of flowers just aren't my favorites, I prefer the little ones. Even though I must say that the lip is quite pretty.

The Vandofinetia unfortunatly lost all it's buds except for 1 due to a great drop in temperature, I think.

The Encyclia (I know.. it's named differently, but I don't know how it's called now.. Anacheilium? Prostechia??) has been blooming since the end of September and is currently working on a 3rd set of buds . Funny thing with this one is that the first set of flowers was a lot more pink then these, I have the feeling it's getting a little tired..

Then I also have a little Maxillaria schunkeana in bud, a little black flower. It'll probably be in bloom when I'm gone over the Christmas holidays .

Thanks for looking & hope you like
Attached Thumbnails
Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari &amp; Encyclia garciana-catt-grootje-2-dec-09-jpg   Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari &amp; Encyclia garciana-vanodfinetia-pat-arcari-2-dec-09-jpg   Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari &amp; Encyclia garciana-encyclia-garciana-2-dec-09-jpg   Monster-Catt, Vandofinetia Pat Arcari &amp; Encyclia garciana-maxillaria-schunkeana-2-dec-09-jpg  
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bloom, buds, encyclia, flowers, set, garciana, arcari, pat, vandofinetia, monster-catt

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