Delightful floral fragrance with fruity notes both day and evening. Plant is neat, very compact, 11 inches tall.
It is a cross of B nodosa x Bc Makai. I was pleasantly surprised that I could grow it and bloom it much easier in the house than Bc. Makai and the flowers are bigger and more fragrant.
Correction: Bc. Little Marmaid is C. walkeriana x Bc. Maikai
Thanks PahMad for catching the mistake
Last edited by Sun rm.N.E.; 10-14-2009 at 04:49 PM..
Reason: correction
It is a cross of B nodosa x Bc Makai which makes it 3/4 nodosa. I was pleasantly surprised that I could grow it and bloom it much easier in the house than Bc. Makai and the flowers are bigger and more fragrant.
Sorry, you have the parentage wrong, it is C. walkeriana x Bc. Maikai. Much lovelier this way - 3/4 nodosa would have very narrow petals and sepals.